Lately I've been spending time on my soapbox....politically that is. I read a statement recently that seems to sum it up....."All that is required for evil to triumph is for a few good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke. I've met many people that just want to sit back and do nothing concerning this election. I really don't understand that way of thinking. This year, after much hounding by me, a co-worker will vote for the first time. I've worked on her for four years to get her to register and she's concerned enough about this election and what it could mean for our country that she registered to vote. Almost everyone in my workplace is Republican but not all will vote this year. I have a hard time grasping that fact. We happened to have that conversation today as we were supposed to be discussing the Christmas program but got derailed on politics. I personally feel that it is your duty to vote. One of the women said that she didn't care for either candidate and wasn't going to vote and really couldn't answer the question as to why she wouldn't vote. I told her that even though we don't agree with everything that the Rep. candidate stands for, we certainly do not want the other one in there. Not voting is like practically giving the office to the wrong person. I was explaining to her all of the things about him that's just downright scary and the connections that he has. I nicely told her that if everyone were to take that stand of not voting, that's how and why we get into trouble in the firstplace. I told them of a story that I heard on the radio yesterday as I was driving home from the dentist. It was on a talk show and they were discussing voting. The man that was telling the story had been in Iraq and he said, "When the people of Iraq were allowed to vote for the first time, some of them walked over 13 miles in the rain to vote. We have Americans that won't even walk 13 feet to vote!" How true that is! What American do you know that would walk even 2 miles to vote? I feel that the people who don't vote, take their freedom for granted. Yes, I do understand that people in the political realm lie to get what they want. We all know that, it's not something that we can change, but we can find some things out by just doing some research. Part, if not all, of the problem in this election is that we have been bombarded by the liberal media about how wonderful a certain candidate is and how he has such great speaking ability, poise, etc. The reporters are supposed to be intelligent people, yet when and where have we seen or heard the truth reported about him? It's funny how they want to tell you "the truth" about certain candidates, but when it comes to him, it's suddenly different. It's funny how he mentioned his "Muslim faith" and was quickly corrected with "You mean your Christian faith". It's funny how he doesn't even seem to know that the United States has 50 states, not 57. He's supposed to have a high IQ. Don't you think that after sitting in a certain church for many years, your intelligence would have kicked in somewhere along the line to let you understand what the man up front was saying and how he was degrading America and did he think that we wouldn't find out where he started his campaign? All you have to do, which any American can do, is Google him and you'll find out a lot and maybe more than you wanted to know and start putting the pieces together and if we can do that, then why can't the media? I do get tired of hearing some of the news that's being broadcasted, but that doesn't change the fact of how important this election is to me or my country. I just have to shake my head in wonder when people say they aren't voting this year because they "don't get into politics". How can you not get into politics when literally everything is at stake in this election? They are some of the same people that complain about how things are in our country yet do nothing to let their voice be heard. The real truth of the matter is that as long as good people do nothing, evil will triumph!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Men in Red
Last Thursday night we went to the PA National Horse Show to see the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride. It was a great show! My cousin went along with us and I got some pretty good pictures. This particular shot is of "The Dome". There are some female riders in the group. We got a chance to talk to one while we were visiting the horses in the expo hall before the show. After we left and went to the arena and sat down, my cousin and I looked at each other and agreed that we had a "blonde moment". There we had been standing and talking to the real deal and we never got our picture taken with her. How dumb was that?!!!! How many chances in your lifetime do you have to stand by a Mountie that's in the popular Musical Ride?!!! Oh, well, we learn by our mistakes. Despite that dumb moment, we had a great time together!
Posted by Karen Hess at 10/21/2008 04:38:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Posted by Karen Hess at 10/06/2008 04:24:00 PM 0 comments