Thursday, April 10, 2008


My children at my job never cease to amaze me (neither do some of the parents at times)! The funny things they say just make me want to roll with laughter. Sometimes the smallest thing they say or do makes my day. Today was a beautiful day and we were taking a walk around the the lower parking lot. Now you have to understand - walking with this age group can sometimes be very challenging. We were listening to the birds sing and looking at the trees and enjoying the weather. For the past few days that we have been walking, I would find a small stone and kick it in front of me while walking and waiting for one of the kids to do the same. Several in my group had tried to imitate it, but they had failed to get the foot in the proper timing while walking. Today one of my little girls finally succeeded and what joy that brought - we giggled over the accomplishment even for something so small in my eyes but so big in theirs. Makes you realize that they watch every little thing you do and will imitate it. What a responsibility! Nothing warms my heart more than to see their smiling faces and listen to their laughter as we play together.